Sunday, January 2, 2011

From Bhagavadgita (I)

On 'Sannyasa' and 'Yoga'

He who merely renounces the physicalities of the world is not a Sanyaasi, nor is the one to abandon all karma is a Yogi
None becomes a Yogi without being a Sannyasi, nor does one become a Sannyasi without being a Yogi, for in embodiment and in soul Yoga and Sannyasa are virtually one.
One who is true to his duties and performs them with complete devotion not thinking of the fruits  of his deeds and the consequences of the Karma is the 'true Yogi'. 
He who floats around without a care of the world, he who is free of all attachments and beyond all desires,  he whose mind is resolute and in perfect serenity amidst the conflicts, he who sees earth, stone, and universe all as equals, and he who is conquered by none but himself, he is the true Yogi.
He who finds action in inaction, inaction in action, solace in a crowd, and enjoyment in solace, he who knows and is able to reject the futility of things is the true Yogi.
